Different Types of Warehouse Shelving

These are just a few types of warehouse shelving available on the market.

Front racks. The base of the front support is made with frames and beams. The rigidity of the structure is provided by ligaments. This type of shelving is designed for pallet storage and provides instant access to all stored products.

Stack racks. These are appreciated for their high load density, being often used to hold products and materials during down times (when they are neither used, nor transported).

Console racks. This type of warehouse shelving is suitable for storing long and non-standard products. The main elements of the frame are the rear bars (frontal bars are absent) and the console. These types of shelves are particularly useful for warehouses selling building materials, sports equipment, or auto parts.

Metal shelves for multi-level storage. Multilevel storage systems are based on pallet or medium load shelf structures. Usually, they are covered at the top and have safety elements and auxiliary parts. Such shelves are used to place goods in rooms with high ceilings.

Universal metal shelves.  These are made with inserts for galvanized metal shelves, being able to support up to 800 kg/ level. Shelves with plywood floors, OSB or other materials as well as with perforated metallic verticals are also available on request.

You can also find high quality pallet racks in Denver Colorado at the Preferred Equipment Company.

high quality pallet racks in Denver Colorado